Thursday, March 15, 2012
Consider the Ducks
I love these little guys. Their numbers have multiplied since I first began this new walk near our apartment complex. I imagine them arriving here with a sigh of relief at finding a pretty place to rest where they are warmed by gentle breezes.
They are still very timid - rushing into the water when they see my approaching shadow - but they are amazing. Seeing them flying over the little man-made lake and coming in for a perfect landing on the water is a delight. I sometimes hold my breath, but they always manage a graceful entrance.
When they are feeling hungry they arch their backs and dive under water. I count the seconds searching for little heads. For what seems like a very long time the surface is unbroken and then....up they pop.
As the temperatures climb, I anticipate the day I will walk by the lake and find that they have packed their little bags and headed north. And I wonder how they will know.
They encourage me, these little dependent creatures. They don't worry and fret when the temperature drops and the wind comes fiercely out of the north. They don't complain or gather in little groups to discuss the possibility of moving further south where it will stay warmer. They don't scurry around looking for a surplus supply of food just in case the next day doesn't provide all they need. They simply rely on One they cannot see to take care of them.
They don't seem particularly worried about the trip north. They aren't bombarding heaven with questions about when and where and why aren't we going now. They wait. He has never failed to send them on their way at just the right time.
Help me, Lord, to rest in You. When the fierce winds blow and when it seems You haven't heard my prayer - help me to trust. If these little ones are of such importance to You, how much more am I?
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? And yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows."
Luke 12: 6,7