Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Bit of Encouragement

I've been quiet here concerning politics, and I don't intend to change that now. I just want to share a little something from my heart.

I woke yesterday with an underlying feeling of discouragement - a little like a low-grade fever. It lay there below the surface disturbing the peace. I read friends' words of encouragement, read His words and prayed - still it lingered.

We had choir practice last evening. I always go feeling a bit weary (I'm not what you'd call a night owl.) and leave feeling exhilarated. I carried my discouragement in the door with me. Ray, our music minister, spoke just a few words - just a few. And then we sang one of the hymns we'd recorded several months ago. All around me faces turned toward heaven and hands were lifted high as the music filled the great room:

"This is my Father's world
 Oh let me ne'er forget.
 That though the wrong
 Seems oft so strong,
 God is the ruler yet."

Words are powerful, but something special happens when they are set to music. I share this to offer encouragement just in case, like me, you're feeling just a little let-down.

I left choir practice filled with hope - feeling exhilarated.


P.S. That's Ray singing with his oldest son Ben.