Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Living Worship
I wearily make my way up the steps and sit in the seat saved for me by my sweet friend. For this home-body, going out in the evening is always a bit of a struggle. I know I'll be glad I went once I get there. Nevertheless, every Wednesday evening I look longingly at my little armchair as I get ready to walk out the door.
The hum of voices drifts up to the high ceiling and circles around the room. Before I know it, I'm caught up in conversation and laughter. Then it begins - the soul-mending sound of worship. We sing, and He comes. It is an appointment kept faithfully by the One who inhabits our praise.
The song ends and the last notes fade. Ray, our music minister, speaks gently into the silence. My hungry heart receives the words and like tiny seeds they nestle in and put down roots. My shaky 66 year old memory cannot remember them perfectly, but this is what I hold close - "All I want is to live my life as a worship to Him."
And the Spirit whispers, "What would that look like Linda?"
I think, Father, it would look different every day and be unique to each of Your children. It would touch every moment with Your presence and give meaning and purpose to the seemingly insignificant events of a quiet life.
It would put an end to self-righteous judgement, selfishness, and petty disagreements. It would fix my eyes and heart on You and put a longing in my heart to love and serve the people You put in my life. I would be all You created me to be.
Father, may my life be a worship to You. I am Yours.