Thursday, January 3, 2019

An Invitation

As the new year approached, I began to think about picking a word for the year. I've done it for several years, often "hearing" the Lord whisper a word into my heart.
However, this year I couldn't seem to hear Him above all the noise in my head. So many voices and words vying for attention - good words, wise voices - but not His voice. I felt somehow out of focus. 
As I lay in the quiet darkness before drifting off to sleep I began to sense a certain something just below the noisy surface. Not a word this time - instead a gentle invitation. 
An invitation to let go of all the self-imposed expectations and sit at His feet. An invitation to put my hand into the hand He has extended and walk with Him - to stop looking back in regret and worrying about the future and take one step at a time with Him. To rest in His presence and let service - not all the "shoulds" that constantly plague me - flow from a growing intimacy with Him.
He invites us to come - the Almighty, Holy God of all creation . Miracle, miracle.